Tag: Writing

Writing Tips & A New Book – Terry J. Benton Interview – #LGBTr

I had the privilege of interviewing author Terry J. Benton for an episode of #LGBTr, or Lots of Good Books To Read (formerly The Read). This is one for the writers out there! I had a blast discussing what he learned from writing the Empire Trilogy and his journey through the traditional publishing process. He […]

Aw, Nuts!

Writers’ group prompt: (30 minutes to write) You are a figurine brought out because you symbolize a holiday or a season, and you stand for a memorable moment. What are you and why were you purchased? When the light of day hit my face I was in awe. I’m always “in awe”. The wooden lever […]

Plot Twist

My goal as a gay, black author is to add more gay characters of color to the stories in which we indulge. It has been my experience growing up that in none of the media that I watched, read, played, or listened to has there been any main character that truly represented who I was. […]