Tag: slider

Aw, Nuts!

Writers’ group prompt: (30 minutes to write) You are a figurine brought out because you symbolize a holiday or a season, and you stand for a memorable moment. What are you and why were you purchased? When the light of day hit my face I was in awe. I’m always “in awe”. The wooden lever […]

Show Trust Yourself

How to know when your manuscript is ready. For writers, trusting in your own talent is hard after a critique. You wouldn’t show it to anyone unless you felt it was perfect in the first place. Yet, when you get a critique that shows you just how wrong you are it can shift your confidence […]

Back And Forth

Nothing prepared me for what happened when I got out of bed. I woke up to the smell of bacon and the aroma of coffee. Instantly, I craved both. My eyes were heavy with sleep as I dragged my hand to the edge of my quilt. I slid the covers down and let the cool […]

Free Write It Out

  A tweet came across my screen with a quote from Stephen King: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us get up and go to work.” This is from his book, On Writing. I read the book cover to cover one time, but it wasn’t until I saw this tweeted out recently that it […]

A Black Slave Master

The Known World Edward P. Jones’s novel takes a unique angle on the slave narrative with its focus on a black slave owner. In my new YouTube video, I give my initial impressions of the first 100 pages and talk about what we can take away from it as writers. One thing of note about […]