Ryan Douglass | LGBTr

Jake In The Box – Ryan Douglass Interview

After a bit of a hiatus, I’m back doing more episodes of LGBTr (Lots of Good Books To Read). I interviewed author Ryan Douglass about his upcoming novel, Jake in the Box. It’s not due until spring 2020, but based on our talk, it has a lot of deep themes. It’s an interesting story about a high school student dealing with the ghost of a school shooter. If that doesn’t intrigue you already, I don’t know what will.

Topics with this chat range from what got him into writing in the first place, his background, and two areas that I felt were particularly interesting: Twitter politics and the state of young adult (YA) fiction when it comes to its lack of Black LGBTQ characters. This is one writer you’ll want to keep tabs on.

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LGBTr – Ryan Douglass

More about this author

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ryandouglassw
Website: https://ryandouglasswriter.com/

Click here for more about ‘Jake in the Box’.

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