Chapter 10 Summary In this chapter, Slade and Gisela fly to Slade’s hometown, Reor, in the Middle Third for spring break. We get some inner dialogue from both about their feelings for each other: Gisela in wanting things to be more between her and Slade, and Slade wondering about the possibility of romance between himself […]
Tag: Gisela
Pangaea Commentary Chapter 7 – Encounter with a Madman
Chapter 7 Summary The chapter begins with Slade and Douglassaire at lunch. Internally, Slade realizes just how attracted he is to Doug. They talk about their lives and learn how different they are, but that’s exactly what brings them a bit closer. Slade pushes for more info about this mysterious Etherean Doug mentioned last time. […]
Pangaea Commentary Chapter 5 – Isolation
Chapter 5 Summary Gisela returns home after school but takes a pit stop at the nearby lake. The very same lake where she lost her mother 13 years ago. She goes there to speak to her mother much like at a grave site. The loss of her mother affected her socially in the sense that […]
Pangaea Commentary Chapter 1 – Whispering Waters
Pangaea Commentary Chapter 1 Summary In this chapter we get introduced to a young, eight-year-old Gisela Benitez. It’s a wintry day in the Northern Third and she’s wet and freezing while sitting in the snow by the frozen lake. She’s crying and her neighbors who have passed by, a father and son, are trying to […]